Assimilating Gurumayi’s Message for 2016

A Series of Exercises Based on the Four Wheels of the Shaktipat Intensive

Assimilation through Mantra

The Siddha Yoga mantra Om Namah Shivaya means “I bow to my inner Self.” This mantra is chaitanya, enlivened by the Guru’s grace. Each syllable, therefore, vibrates with the spanda, the subtle pulsation of the Self; each syllable arises from and subsides back into the Self.

Mantra japa, or repetition of the mantra, attunes our being to the spanda. As we repeat the mantra Om Namah Shivaya—“I bow to my inner Self”—we immerse our awareness, more and more, in the Self.

In this exercise we will practice mantra japa as a means to imbibe Gurumayi’s Message. As we access the most profound level of our being through mantra repetition, we support the mind and body to become even more receptive to the Guru’s teaching.

Click play to practice assimilation through mantra.

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    Please share your experience in 175 words or less. Enter your share in the space below.

    I love this exercise! Swami ji’s voice and tone invite me into the still, silent world of the mantra. I have been practicing this set of exercises regularly, and a whole new experience of the mantra has opened up for me. I feel as if I am moving beyond the busy-ness of the mind into the realm of pure silence. I am marveling at how easy it is for me to access this place. I am filled with awe and gratitude.

    Marrickville, Australia

    Yesterday evening I listened to Assimilation through Mantra, which took me deep inside, to a silent place within. I was able to perceive the space of stillness from which thoughts were arising and subsiding.
    I went on to experience a state of inner silence for the whole night, as if I were assimilating that experience into my being.
    This morning when I woke up, I realized that this space of stillness is the starting point, the origin, from which to practice Gurumayi’s Message.
    I am feeling blessed to receive this understanding, and I am eager to put it into practice.

    Pune, India

    As I did this exercise, for the first time I felt and saw the words of Gurumayi’s Message come from a vast, empty, and resonant space within me. I felt the aliveness and vibration of these grace-filled words flowing deep inside. And I noticed the pristine light and presence of great joy within.
    What a powerful exercise! I am so grateful for these ways of imbibing Gurumayi’s Message into my own being. These assimilation exercises are a precious gift!

    Siddha Yogi from Connecticut, USA

    At first, I repeated the mantra once with each in-breath, and once with each out-breath. Then, when Swami ji suggested that we repeat it slowly enough to experience the vibrations of each syllable, I slowed down considerably. As I did so, I became aware of a gentle tingling in the top of my head. This pleasant tingling continued when we focused on the words of Gurumayi’s Message itself.
    Whenever I have felt this tingling sensation before—sometimes in meditation, sometimes in prayer, sometimes as an insight arises—I experience it as the vibration of Kundalini Shakti, flowing easily and steadily through my being. It feels like a great blessing to be reminded, so tangibly and tenderly, of her presence within me.

    Illinois, USA

    Swami ji’s instructions to focus on the space from which the mantra arises and into which it subsides brought me to a vast inner landscape. The space felt so serene, and I had the image of a completely still lake. 
    When next he shared Gurumayi’s Message, I felt that this is the place within myself where her Message lives eternally. I could feel it there with new resonance. How joyful to feel Gurumayi’s Message reverberating in my being on a deep level!

    New York, USA

    Practicing assimilating the Message through posture, breath, and mantra has revealed deep understandings for me. I feel the Message is a wish, a miracle, a gift from Gurumayi to all of us. I can sense the Message flowing through me, then to my family and home, then outward to my community and to the world.

    New York, USA

    As I followed Swami ji’s instructions, I could feel the subtle vibrations of the mantra in my heart. Focusing on the space from which the vibrations arise and subside, I went into a deep silent place within. I sighed as my body completely relaxed, and the words of Gurumayi’s Message for 2016 sprang forth from within!

    Sydney, Australia