Gratitude, Gratitude, and More Gratitude

Verse sung by Geeta Sharma
Flute by Stefan Hoskuldsson

Click here to read the verse from Shri Vishnu Sahasranama that is sung in this video.

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    Remembrance of an ancient calling and time

    Soothing and powerful at the same time  

    Deeply moved by the honoring of nature in all its forms  

    Drawn to a deep place of reverence, bowing to this inner impulse

    Contentment and gratitude arise from the Guru’s love.  

    California, United States

    The verse is so melodious. The sound has been resonating in me since I first heard it at dawn today. Watching my beloved Baba in this video is such an auspicious experience for me. It makes me want to bow my head to his lotus feet. It reminds me that, in my experience, Baba is like Lord Vishnu, by whose grace the world is balanced. He is the Lord through whose grace I remain balanced in difficult situations throughout my life. I offer the Guru the lotus of my heart. 

    Dombivli, India

    No matter how many times I have seen this video, each time I watch it my heart seems to become filled with more and more gratitude to my beloved Gurumayi ji. The scenes of nature are filled with abundance, beauty, and endless giving. This video touches my heart with its images of the stillness of nature and Gurumayi’s love for all the creatures within it. It has inspired me to feel great respect, love, and caring for my surroundings and the people around me.

    New Delhi, India

    This video goes straight to my heart. It translates into images a teaching of Gurumayi that I practice every day: “This is Shiva. That is Shiva. Everything is Shiva.” Throughout my viewings, I’ve seen a deeper understanding of this teaching unfold.
    I see the greatness and humility of each being, animate and inanimate, who aspires so intensely to become the best of themselves and to re-unite with the divine Self. From the tiny little frog to the great eagle, I am touched by the intrinsic strength, beauty, and courage in this tremendous diversity that makes up our world.
    The extraordinary energy emanating from Baba and his sublime companions is fascinating: there is so much unshakable faith, enthusiasm, and focus in these pilgrims moving forward, all together, with a firm and grounded step on the path they opened for us.
    So I prayed: “Baba ji, grant me the grace to walk the rest of my path with the same unwavering conviction and deep joy, and to serve wholeheartedly Shri Gurumayi, the Siddha Yoga path, and our world.”

    Quebec, Canada

    After many years gone by, I reconnected with this beautiful verse from Shri Vishnu Saharsranama and it brought back the most loving and nostalgic memories of my younger years as a child. My father used to sing this verse daily and he taught it to me. Thereafter, we sang together at the end of our prayer ritual as a family before dinner in gratitude for the day.
    My father is no more but my fond memories of him and his kind heart will always remain with me.

    Nairobi, Kenya

    This morning when I woke up, I had a very strong impulse to watch this video about gratitude. As I did so, I felt an immeasurable love spread throughout my entire being: love for the Guru’s subtle and intimate presence. May all the stars in the sky sparkle with my infinite gratitude for the Guru’s immense compassion.

    Luisant, France

    Last night, I spontaneously picked up a beautiful white conch and placed it on my puja. I love the all-pervasive sound of the conch. When I let it resound through my breath, it reminds me of the victory of the higher Self over the ego.

    Today, I enjoyed looking at the heartwarming and rare photos in this video in honor of Thanksgiving. When I saw the image of the conch, my heart filled with deep gratitude. It seems that Gurumayi always finds ways to remind me that the outer distance is unimportant and that, at heart, I am always so close to the Guru and to everyone in the Siddha Yoga sangham.

    Konolfingen, Switzerland

    I feel deep gratitude for this exquisite video and for the heartwarming introduction by Eesha. Watching the video, I felt like I was going on a pilgrimage with Baba Muktananda and Gurumayi ji. It connected me with my own grateful heart.

    New York, United States

    These last few days I’ve watched the night sky; the moon has been startlingly bright and stars have dotted the dark sky. The clouds have been pale against the evening sky and I’ve been stilled by all its beauty.
    Tonight as I watched the exquisite images in this video, I felt that same stillness. In these images the wonder of our planet is expressed. Seeing both Gurumayi and Baba delighting in it all, I’m reminded to hold that same wonder myself.

    Hampton Hill, United Kingdom

    I’m grateful for this beautiful video and its vivid introduction that allowed  me to travel in America and India, discovering new wonders. Baba’s presence among Native Americans and Indian pilgrims illuminated my heart and rekindled in me the power of gratitude.
    I still remember Baba saying that we should make nectar out of our difficulties. Recently, I was very concerned about an insurance issue. I phoned my bank and, as if by a miracle, I reached my own advisor with whom I have had warm exchanges previously. I felt God’s presence—“love in action.” In a very short time, she managed the situation and the problem was solved. A few days later, I entered the bank with the gift of a jar of nectarean homemade jam and I shared my deep gratitude with her.

    Rodez, France

    Gratitude sings in my heart
    An endless symphony.
    You, my beloved, are its inspiration.
    You are the conductor
    Channeling the flow of the divine music of grace.
    Your boundless generosity is every instrument and every voice of love.
    Your infinite compassion awakens my heart
    To listen
    To receive
    And to sing in glorious gratitude.
    May our symphony of infinite love and infinite gratitude
       nourish God’s creation
    And be sung throughout time.

    New York, United States

    This video masterpiece of divine India filled my heart with great joy, hope, and contentment. It exuded a very strong current of shakti—so strong it drew me into deep meditation.

    St. Laurent, Canada

    My beloved Gurumayi has given me every gift imaginable in my life. How can I not be gratitude personified? She has given me light, love, health, spirit, discipline, ears to hear, a voice to sing, compassion to feel, comfort, and joy. What else could a yogini desire? Nothing!

    Missouri, United States