Celebrating the Month of Gratitude

Piano by Kenny Krishna Werner

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    It is 3:30 in the morning and the start of another wonderful day in the Pilgrimage to the Heart Retreat in Gurudev Siddha Peeth.

    I can feel the early morning magic as I enter the courtyard—the heart and center of the Ashram. I love the smooth, cool marble tiles beneath my feet, the same marble tiles my Gurus have walked on. As I stand in front of the majestic statue of Bade Baba, I feel his great being enter me, and we become one. I prostrate at his feet. 

    I go to Baba’s seat and offer full pranam. Total freedom encompasses me as my body stretches open in deep gratitude. Then I sit quietly. It seems Baba is there. His eyes are twinkling. I imagine he is chuckling as he speaks to his devotees in satsang.

    When I raise my head, the early morning moon is still brilliant in the sky. I am in heaven. I’m in pure bliss. Oh, what a sacred place this courtyard is!

    Firenze, Italy

    What a wonderful beginning I had to Thanksgiving morning as, along with the beautiful piano music, I connected with Gurumayi smiling with the three handsome boys as she showed them and me how to express gratitude by honoring the Guru’s padukas and by performing pradakshina around the murti of Bade Baba. I too joined them in action. I felt connected to them with so much love.

    Nairobi, Kenya

    This video is full of grace, laughter, and light. It is teaching me the true meaning of Thanksgiving. My heart is filled with love and gratitude.

    Florida, United States

    As I watched this beautiful video, I felt my heart fill with gratitude.

    Watching Gurumayi laugh with the children lifted my heart, and I found myself laughing right along with them! Gurumayi’s love for children has always touched my heart and inspired my own work, as I have been a teacher and have worked with children for many years.

    I will carry this feeling of love and gratefulness forward into the rest of the year as I celebrate, spend time with loved ones, and give thanks for all of my blessings.

    Pennsylvania, United States

    To me this video is like a treasure box filled with Gurumayi’s surprises:
    Inner light, love, tenderness, protection, smiles, and laughter.
    I see her smile, and I smile back.
    I see all the smiling faces, and I keep smiling.
    Never did I see smiling dogs, but here they are; they make me smile.
    Happy devotion is residing in all the photos, and it wells up in me.
    My mind is still and friendly.
    Gratitude arises—there is no effort,
    just the Guru’s grace.

    Hindelang, Germany

    So much joy! My heart opens wide and overflows with the love and laughter that pours in as I watch this video again and again.

    Ohio, United States

    My heart overflowed with gratitude as I tuned into the marvelous photos. It is so wonderful to experience the precious moments with Gurumayi in the Temple. Sharing these moments, I feel so connected to the Siddha Yoga sangham.

    Konolfingen, Switzerland

    It is so magnificent to have the darshan of Shri Guru on the Siddha Yoga path website. Recently I visited Gurudev Siddha Peeth, and I went to the upper garden, to the Siddha Grove, and offered my gratitude for the Siddha Yoga path, for the Guru, and for the teachings. I gave thanks for Gurumayi’s darshan on the website. I experienced an intense feeling of joy within. I had the experience that Gurumayi’s presence is in each particle of the universe and that Gurudev Siddha Peeth is the expanded body of Gurumayi. When I hugged the trees before my departure, I felt the trees were able to speak to me. I experienced love and gratitude within myself.

    Bhandara, India

    My heart burst open with supreme joy as I viewed this gallery! How blessed I am to be able to experience the darshan of my Guru in this month celebrating gratitude!
    It is so delightful to see Gurumayi with the young people and the adorable dogs! Everyone is beaming with love, devotion, and happiness. The light and joyful instrumental music accompanying the happy pictures enhances my experience of gratitude for having Gurumayi, the Siddha Yoga path, and the sangham in my life. 

    Sydney, Australia

    What an excellent collection of images of Gurumayi and her students! Everyone looks touched by grace! There is peace in the air. I experience happiness when I see Gurumayi and the children with Bade Baba. They are so beautiful, sweet, elegant, and serene.

    New York, United States

    What an enchanting atmosphere is depicted in these colorful images! I can feel Gurumayi taking care of everyone around her, showing her love and gratitude to the children and others in the Ashram. It is a great example for me, and an inspiration, to offer love and gratitude in the same way to my family, friends, and colleagues.  

    Isola Vicentina, Italy