Happy Birthday Gurumayi

Thursday, June 24, 2021

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    As I viewed the dandelion that was whole separate into pieces, and then re-form into a beautifully shaped heart, I thought of the Guru-disciple relationship, and how the Guru, starting with the bestowal of shaktipat, and the seeker, through sadhana, separate out and release the negative tendencies within a seeker’s being in order to ultimately reveal our own beautiful and perfectly shaped heart. What a miraculous process of divine alchemy the Guru performs!

    New Jersey, United States

    This sweet animation inspired a lovely reverie for me today, on Gurumayi’s birthday.

    As I thought about my own birth in a small city in Kentucky, I identified with the simple, humble dandelion blossoms at Shree Muktananda Ashram. I felt I was one of hundreds of blossoms in the global Siddha Yoga sangham, each of us spontaneously and naturally uniting to send our heartfelt wishes to Gurumayi. It was so clear to me that regardless of our disparate origins or current challenging circumstances, we are one at heart—and that we are all lovingly present and united in Gurumayi’s heart.

    This understanding touched me deeply.

    Kentucky, United States

    Tonight I saw the beautiful golden-pink moon in the sky. Then I read today’s virtue—Gurumayi’s birthday gift to us—vadanyata. After that I watched the video “Happy Birthday Gurumayi.” When I saw how the dandelion seeds flew together, I experienced them as my birthday wish to Gurumayi and the wishes of many others traveling together and then uniting into one radiant heart of vadanyata. Then I realized we had arrived at our Guru’s heart, and just in that moment the full moon appeared! I felt Gurumayi’s presence in that beloved and beautiful form, and together with her, we all sent vadanyata to humanity and the planet through the rays of the full moon.

    Texas, United States

    This birthday wish touched my heart. I was glad to share in wishing Gurumayi “Happy Birthday.” I loved seeing and listening to the different elements of the world in the video, such as earth, fire and air, because for me Gurumayi’s teachings illuminate our inextricable connection to these elements and to our dharma in taking care of them—as they are part of ourselves.

    South Melbourne, Australia

    As I watch this birthday video, my heart is full of love. It shows me that all our birthday wishes for Gurumayi, as different as they may be, become one and reunite in the resonance of love!

    Montreal, Canada