Shares about Trust, Yearning & Understanding

Siddha Yoga Satsang in Honor of Christmas 2021

Share Your Experiences of Trust, Yearning and Understanding Satsang

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    I participated in the satsang with my seven-year-old daughter. She offered arati and enjoyed chanting. She was dancing during the chanting, like little Krishna!

    Chennai, India

    I love this Christmas satsang, "Trust, Yearning & Understanding." It feels like an answer to a prayer that I hadn’t given voice to. It is so supportive.  
    As a result of participating in this satsang, I experienced several deep meditations. When I went to sleep that night, it felt almost as though I had taken part in a Siddha Yoga Intensive.  

    I am so grateful for the gift of a very loving holiday.

    Washington, United States

    This satsang energized me. It inspired me to refresh myself and recommit to my practices. As I participated in each element of the satsang, my heart felt the compassionate presence of the Guru. I felt that every aspect of the satsang freshened my outlook and prepared me to embrace a rejuvenating New Year.

    I am so thankful to Gurumayi ji for this most welcome and beautiful prasad.

    Cuttack, India

    I felt so blessed to be able to receive Gurumayi’s grace in this way on this celebration day, Christmas!

    While I was chanting and immersed in the beautiful chant, I saw Shri Krishna’s beautiful image on the screen of my mind. I felt joyful!

    Love is manifesting in my life through the Guru’s grace. My heart is expanding as I do the Siddha Yoga practices and my sadhana progresses. Now love arises not only for my relatives and friends; it also emerges from my heart even with strangers. This is the Guru’s gift for me. I’m so grateful for the Guru’s grace.


    I am in awe of this experience. Sitting in silence, connecting to the essence of stillness within me, I thank my good fortune. Every day brings a deeper understanding of the existing love within me. Gurumayi, Baba, and Bade Baba illuminate my path as I travel through life.

    Ohio, United States

    I am grateful for this satsang. I especially enjoyed that it continued Gurumayi’s theme of silence. I was drawn to the understanding that silence is listening for God. I felt I was listening, not with my ears, but with my heart.

    Florida, United States

    What an exquisite satsang. This was my third time chanting the lilting melody. My meditation deepens each time.  

    Arizona, United States

    Early this morning, I participated one more time in this satsang. As I chanted, I began to sway. I stood up and swirled sweetly, deeply focused on the ecstatic rhythm of the melody. What a delicious moment!

    Plougonvelin, France

    I loved the satsang! It brought so much nourishment to my heart.
    I especially loved the story about the little girl who received "no" for an answer from God. It led me to journal about the "noes" I had received from God. But immediately after the “noes,” the "yeses" started to come to my awareness too.
    I realized that God had said no to many things in my life as a way of guiding me towards what I truly needed to cultivate and learn. I pray for the willingness to surrender to God’s will so I can better serve and attain what I came here to do.

    Naucalpan, Estado de México, Mexico

    This satsang is precisely what I was longing for! Participating in it, I felt the same powerful energy that I feel in the Guru’s physical presence.

    Sao Paulo, Brazil

    Each element of the satsang was an invaluable precious gem for me.

    I loved hearing about the connection between silence and the practice of chanting. Just listening to the speaker’s explanation, I was drawn into silence.

    Then during the chant, I felt Gurumayi’s presence so strongly! At the end of the meditation session I was deeply absorbed in the silence within me, and felt so grateful and content.

    Sydney, Australia

    I was unable to spend Christmas Day with my family, and I decided to create a “yoga retreat” for myself. I started the day by reciting Shri Guru Gita. Then I meditated, read a talk by Gurumayi, chanted the mantra Om Namah Shivaya, and meditated again.

    Later I turned on the computer, read Eesha Sardesai’s “Speaking of Silence,” and participated in the Satsang in Honor of Christmas. Shakti permeated my room! Gurumayi’s photo next to me glowed like the full moon!

    I felt that in reaching out to the Guru I received so much.

    Wimbledon Heights, Australia

    It was so joyful to participate in the Christmas satsang, especially during this holy season. I was mesmerized by the flame we meditated on early in the satsang. As it danced and undulated, its movements seemed similar to something I was familar with, but at first I couldn’t put my figure on what it was.
    Then I realized that the movement of my mind is often like that of the flame. Sometimes it moves and dances softly, as the flame in the satsang did, as if swaying to the sweet melody of a flute. At other times it jumps, flickers, and bounces in every direction like a flame in a swirling wind. Beautifully, I found myself in the space of the quiet flame, very slowly swaying in silence.
    I am so very grateful to Gurumayi for her patient and consistent love and grace. We are blessed.

    Florida, United States

    I am experiencing this satsang like a mandala, with rays shining out from the center or hub, each in a different color and form. I can also see the variety of music, of colors, of traditions, of voices, of stories, of images as all rooted in the mandala’s hub. My inner image shows a beautiful round piece of fabric  waving around the hub, or a three-dimensional torus in multiple colors with many golden threads.
    I feel like honoring all the great beings who have taken birth and celebrating them all together at once! My childhood tradition, my most beloved tradition, and all the other traditions are part of the wheel around the hub. This is included, that is included, everything is included. It is perfect. God is all.

    Hindelang, Germany

    I am especially grateful for this prasad from Gurumayi this Christmas. Due to the vicissitudes of the pandemic, I was compelled to cancel all travel plans to see friends and family. This period of comparative isolation will give me all the more time and space to focus—again and again—on this remarkable satsang. I have always felt a strong connection between Gurumayi and Christmas, and the final days of 2021 will sparkle with that reality!

    Virginia, United States

    I cherish every aspect of this Christmas satsang. It is very easy for me to get lost in the rajasic nature of all of the merriment that abounds this time of year. So the satsang gives me the opportunity to experience the sattvic nature of the Christmas holiday by chanting and reflecting on the divine nature of God, who dwells within me.
    May everyone, everywhere, experience their inner divinity and spread peace and joy throughout the world!

    California, United States

    I was so moved by this powerful satsang. Each element of the satsang touched my heart deeply in its own way. It was very inspiring to hear many teachings from different spiritual traditions, all speaking of God so beautifully. The three stories made me cry and the ecstatic chant made me dance. There was so much grace, so much love, so much beauty.
    After the satsang, I just wanted to sit still, resting in a deep, velvety silence for a long period of time—and to share this precious love with the earth. In the middle of so much planetary turbulence, an ocean of grace is rolling back and forth on the shore of my life. My heart sings. My Guru’s love is infinite.

    Quebec, Canada

    I have been soothed by melodious sounds,
       been enraptured by beautiful images,
          feasted on the sacred messages of saints,
             become intoxicated chanting the melodious name of Krishna,
                 floated in the bliss of meditation,
                    bathed in my Guru’s grace and compassion,
                        been washed clean of my worries and doubt
                              by tears of gratitude and the power of my Guru’s love.
                                  The only thing left to say is,            
                                       my Guru has heard and answered my prayers.

    West Vancouver, Canada

    During the meditation element of the Christmas satsang, while watching the ghee lights within the five-petaled arati tray, I noticed the colors gold, red, and black in the wicks as they burned. It reminded me of the colors in my country’s flag, and I prayed that it may be blessed by grace so that it may bring “joy to the world.” And I pray for the whole world to be brought into harmony and to dance in bliss.

    Hindelang, Germany

    The satsang element I loved the most was the chant. Chanting is my favorite practice, and this particular chant brings back the memory of the Golden Tales play about the poet-saint Surdas, in which my son had the great fortune to play Krishna. It is probably one of my fondest memories of his childhood.
    During the chant, I felt myself sitting with Gurumayi, chanting with all my heart.

    California, United States

    It was midnight when I turned on the computer and out came God and the Guru! The new Christmas satsang—“Trust, Yearning & Understanding”— is magnificent with golden lessons and heart-filled chanting. I could feel my purpose in this lifetime and revel in the essence of God and the Guru in all the boons it granted. It felt like I was in the Ashram—the golden hues of the Siddha Yoga path pulsed through my veins and my heart and it felt as if we were all one. It fulfilled my heart’s longing for God.
    What an amazing gift we have been given by Gurumayi in the form of this enchanting and powerful satsang!

    Florida. United States

    This wonderful satsang contained everything a Siddha Yogi could wish for: silence, joy, sweetness, strength. This is the gift I received for Christmas. Gurumayi always knows how to surprise us!

    San Giorgio a Cremano, Italy

    The satsang gave me a feeling of mukti, total freedom. During the chant, every cell of my body was filled with the feeling of silence. As all my senses were totally absorbed in that silence, I experienced a strong, smooth sensation starting at my muladhara chakra. It was so soft, like sparkling light moving from there up to the crown of my head.
    In the satsang I also experienced the divine pulsation of love, and the joy of living my life with the resolution to be one with my Guru. My entire being moved with the power of the shakti when Baba’s story reminded us to “love everyone.”
    I’m so grateful to Gurumayi ji for the satsang, and the wonder, joy, and love it brought to me.

    Bhandara, India

    I felt embraced by God’s love from the beginning to the end of this beautiful, enchanting satsang. I have been in a state of wonder at the immense beauty of each element of the satsang. My soul still rejoices in the profound silence the satsang took me to.
    From this satsang I received the understanding that I can experience true love only in silence.

    Milan, Italy

    My mind is soft, silent, caressed by the satsang’s velvety light.
          My heart is glittering with pulsating rays of love.
                My soul is grateful like a chanting bird at dawn.

    Plougonvelin, France

    This Christmas satsang was such a peaceful, restful time for me, away from the hustle and bustle of Christmas preparations. The silence that permeated this satsang was palpable. And the joy that arose in me was like a wellspring.

    Dunedin, New Zealand

    This wondrous Christmas satsang enraptured my heart. The whole program and its elements drew me within and I felt I was in the presence of God.

    South Carolina, United States
