Find the Guru’s Gift

Siddha Yoga Satsang for Children in Honor of Christmas 2021

December 23, 2021

Dear children,

I want to wish you an early Merry Christmas and share with you something that you might want to know.

Have I sparked your curiosity?

Are you wondering what it is that you might want to know?

Are you pondering what it is that I have to share with you
during this exciting time of year—
this holiday season?

Well, here we go!

I am very happy to share a special invitation—specifically for you—to a Siddha Yoga Celebration Satsang on Christmas Eve. The title of this satsangis Find the Guru’s Gift.

What is this gift that you might find? Everyone is searching for something. What are you searching for? Perhaps it is an understanding of your place in this world. Or the knowledge of how to be in this world. Or a feeling of comfort, contentment, or love.

In this satsang, you just may find what it is that you’re looking for—and you’ll learn how to keep finding it again and again and again.

Now, you must be wondering: how can I participate in this satsang?

Let me tell you. This Celebration Satsang will be available on the Siddha Yoga path website starting at 2:00 p.m. EST today, Thursday, December 23 (which will be Christmas Eve for those of you in India and Australia and in other parts of the Eastern Hemisphere).

You can participate in this Satsang all the way through the end of the month: December 31. You can participate again and again and again, if you wish. And if at any point during the satsang, you need to take a pause, you may do so. Just tell the adults you need to pause and then come back to the satsang when you are energized and ready to continue.

My children, Jivan and Rishi, have always loved participating in Siddha Yoga satsang. They are now teenagers, but even from a young age, they would be filled with anticipation when they knew a satsang was about to happen. They would prepare their asanas, their shawls, and at times, their own unique arati trays to offer puja to Gurumayi. In a satsang especially for children, they were sure something extraordinary was in store for them.

I am remembering this as I imagine all of you around the world getting ready—and becoming more and more excited—to participate in this Siddha Yoga Celebration Satsang in honor of Christmas. Just a few more days, and we will be together in satsang to Find the Guru’s Gift.

See you soon!

Warm regards,


Nisha Panchapakesan


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