An Introduction to the Month of April

April 1, 2021

Dear reader,

At last, springtime has arrived in most of the Northern Hemisphere. Nature is blossoming, enticed by the warmth of the sun’s rays. All that lies dormant in winter months is awakened once again. The landscape is beginning to display a kaleidoscope of colors. Early this month, on April 4, the holiday of Easter will arrive, in tune with the new life I see being reborn all around me.

For the past few months, I have been residing in the Sonoran Desert in Arizona, in the southwestern region of the USA. In this corner of the world, wildflowers are emerging. The elf owls have flown up from Mexico to make a summer home here. Desert tortoises have come out of their burrows; butterfly activity is picking up. Bean trees are producing edible fruits. The saguaro cacti are getting ready to open their big white flowers. And soon the white-winged doves will be returning.

In parts of the Southern Hemisphere, the heat of summer is giving way to cooler days. Daylight is becoming shorter, while the nights are lengthening. Deciduous trees are shedding their leaves. Nature is settling and readying itself to take a hiatus, to turn inward as winter approaches.

As I look far and wide, what astounds me most is the resilience of nature and its ability to adapt to the cold of winter and the blazing heat of summer, to periods of extreme drought, followed by torrential rains. Nature expands and contracts in its myriad forms. It is never standing still; it continually revitalizes itself, ushering in new life.

Sadhana has a similar dynamic process. As we renew our aspirations, articulate our intentions, and fortify our efforts in doing the Siddha Yoga practices, we infuse our lives with vitality, with strength and inspiration. It has been my firsthand experience that by continually assessing, adjusting, and redoubling my efforts in sadhana, I can better live a life of dignity and service.

At the beginning of this year, I decided to reinvigorate my own practices. Every month I would study a hymn that is posted on the Siddha Yoga path website. All of the hymns are rapturous conversations with God, composed by those whose lives are saturated with ecstasy and gratitude.

Last month, in preparation for the April birthday of Shri Hanuman, I chose to learn and practice Shri Hanuman Chalisa. I sang this hymn many times every morning, and as I did so, its steady melodic tones took hold of me. I felt myself softening into my own strength, standing taller and breathing more fully. I also read a lovely, abridged translation of sage Valmiki’s Ramayana to become familiar with the story of Hanuman’s unwavering devotion to Lord Rama. The mighty monkey warrior, Hanuman, is the son of the wind. He is a divine force of nature who restores righteousness and dharma wherever he goes. At one point in the story, Hanuman, in service to the Lord, leaps across continents, carrying an entire mountain on his shoulder.

Every day, as I look out my window, I come face to face with the Santa Catalina Mountains, monoliths that ascend into the sky and dominate the landscape for miles around. These towering peaks take my breath away. Sometimes the sun casts hues of gold and pink upon them; at other times, the mountains look sharp and foreboding. Being in their presence, I feel my connection to the earth and all living beings.

Today, looking at these mountains and reflecting on Shri Hanuman, I think I understand what gives him the strength to carry mountains. It is his love for Lord Rama, whose sacred name reverberates in every cell of Hanuman’s body. With this thought, I close my eyes and turn inside toward the love that’s been awakened in me through the grace of my beloved Guru, Shri Gurumayi.


The following are some of the major holidays and events occurring this month that will be featured on the Siddha Yoga path website.

Holidays and Events in April

Gudhi Padva is celebrated as New Year’s Day in Maharashtra, as well as in other parts of India, such as Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, and Manipur (where it is referred to by other names, like Ugadi, Yughadi, and Cheti Chand). On Gudhi Padva, people raise gudhis, brightly decorated flags, to commemorate Lord Rama’s coronation as king of Ayodhya upon his long-awaited return from a fourteen-year exile. Gudhi Padva is also regarded as one of the three and a half most auspicious days of the year.


Earth Day was founded fifty-one years ago in 1970, and today more than a billion people participate in Earth Day activities each year, making it the largest civic observance in the world. This significant event is an opportunity for us to pause and reflect on the magnificence of the natural world that sustains us, and to honor our role in safeguarding the well-being of God’s creation.


This holiday celebrates the birth of Lord Rama’s immortal, devoted servant, Shri Hanuman. On the Siddha Yoga path website you can find a description of this holiday and a collection of images and stories about Shri Hanuman, whose unwavering devotion made him an invincible warrior, the embodiment of valor, wisdom, and strength. ShriHanuman Chalisa, the beloved and revered hymn by the poet-saint Tulsidas that I have been studying, is traditionally recited on this day. In one of the verses, Tulsidas proclaims that all difficulties end and all sorrows are removed when one remembers and invokes the mighty hero Hanuman.


My wish for you this month is that you experience the miraculous ways in which God manifests in the natural world. In the same way that nature perpetually renews and revitalizes itself, may you breathe vitality and joy into your sadhana.



Menaki Clark

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    As the April letter reminds us, Hanuman Jayanti is celebrated on April 26 this year. I have Hanuman’s birthday on my regular birthday calendar, and I have been preparing for the day by reciting Shri Hanuman Chalisa every day.
    This gives me so much strength and vitality. I am in my 80s, but I know I have more "work" to do in this lifetime. Hanuman ji gives me that strength, as do my devotion to him and the Siddha Yoga path, which lifts me up every time I slacken my efforts. "It’s now or never!”
    Hanuman’s compassion also teaches me to be kind to people who I have the illusion of thinking are not kind. Compassion makes it easier to stay in the space of love, which also makes my breath flow so freely, giving me joy, streams of grace, and vitality. As it happens, I drew the virtue of "Vitality" from my deck of virtue cards this morning and seem to draw it a lot these days.

    California, United States

    With its homage to Hanuman and to the vitality of spring in the northern hemisphere, Menaki’s letter is inspiring me to recommit to my sadhana. As I absorb the story of Hanuman, I feel the fire of devotion moving through me. Even as I approach age 80, I feel strongly rejuvenated. I too wish to experience Hanuman’s vitality pulsing through my breath. This leaves me feeling full of love and joy as I perform my sadhana.

    Deventer, Netherlands

    Reading this gorgeous evocation of nature made me recognize once again the ways in which we are all connected in the Heart, where we experience the same Consciousness.
    I have been so captivated by nature lately that I made my own little movie of the local area around me as a tribute, or a love letter of sorts, to Mother Earth. Doing this has brought me to feeling more and more in love with nature. Every time I go for a walk, I see all the elements of nature—the trees, birds, mist, sun, dirt, rocks, light rain, water flowing in the river—as dear friends that I get to visit, spend time with, and through whom I experience the sweetness in the air among us.

    Bundoora, Australia

    This letter brims with devotion. I’m moved by the writer’s heartfelt desire to reinvigorate her sadhana and by her powerful invitation to follow suit.
    Easter has always been an important holiday for me. The magic of the Easter Bunny captured my heart when I was growing up. We believed that it would come straight from the woods, at night, through my window, leaving a stocking of sweets for me to find on Easter morning. This wild animal had visited me in the sweetest of ways! 
    I also took my first Shaktipat Intensive during the Easter holiday. The title was “The Eternal Spring of Devotion.” For the twenty-sixth anniversary of my divya diksha, I have been contemplating how this theme manifests in my life. I feel a renewed experience of reverence for life, for sadhana, for being present in this world. I also experience more lightness—even during difficulties—which upholds me and carries me through. 
    I’m eternally grateful for this divine path and, just like Menaki, I will continue to “reinvigorate my own practices.”

    Oslo, Norway

    As someone who lives on the Mexican side of the Sonoran Desert, I really enjoyed reading this magnificent description of our beloved desert. This description helped me to recognize the divinity of our Mother Earth.

    Hermosillo, Mexico

    Two words that have great significance for me leapt out, like Hanuman on a mission, from the April letter: resilience and valor. They denote qualities that are indispensable for sustaining sadhana, and they are also two of the greatest fruits of self-effort and grace on the spiritual path. 
    Dedication to the Siddha Yoga practices and teachings over many years is making me better able to be resilient—to play, as the saying goes, whatever hand life deals to me. And to play with valor—with courage, conviction, and joy engendered in my heart. In the science of physics, one of the definitions of resilience is the ability of an object to return to its original shape after being subjected to stress. For me, resilience is the ability to retain the awareness of my true nature as the Self while experiencing whatever is going on.
    I live in gratitude for the grace that brings opportunities for meeting the challenges of my life with resilience and valor.

    California, United States

    Learning how the author is reinvigorating her practices encouraged me to revisit and refresh my commitment to my intention and affirmation for 2021. While reflecting on and affirming my heartfelt commitment, I experienced gratitude for the innumerable treasures and blessings I received in 2020, including learning how to create affirmations.  I feel strengthened by this gratitude and by the knowledge that my steadfast dedication to sadhana and study on the Siddha Yoga path will lead me to my ultimate goal.

    Oregon, United States

    Here in the southern part of Australia, the bright warmth of summer is fading. We are preparing for the more inward-turning time of short days and skies of soft light, where everything seems closer. I am reminded by this letter that this is a time in between, and that these times are precious. I am determined to stay present to nature’s gifts through this month, to remember to see God’s hand in all the changes, and to rejoice in these outer manifestations of my own inner divinity.

    Hampton, Australia

    Like the seasonal changes described in this letter for April, I have also observed that there are times of change in my sadhana. Just like spring in the Northern Hemisphere, some of the changes I experience are strong and dramatic. And like spring in the tropics where I was born, some sadhana experiences appear delicate and subtle.
    On assessing these changes, I am finding that the ones that initially may seem minimal can really be quite significant. These are the changes that surreptitiously integrate themselves into my daily life, so that I hardly notice them until someone comments on them. And yet, these may be the changes that matter most, such as greater cordiality, increased compassion, and tender attention to others.
    So now, rather than seeking or expecting to see the flashing of the Blue Pearl or visions of deities, I am appreciating the deeper insights I am gaining from simple, everyday events as a result of steadily engaging with the Siddha Yoga practices.

    New York, United States

    What stood out for me in the letter were the vivid descriptions of nature, especially from the Sonoran Desert, where the writer currently lives. They were so clear, sharp, and enticing; I felt her sense of wonder. It stimulated my own interest in being in the natural world and in practicing a keen observation of its miracles. When I am attuned to the natural world, I know I am refreshed and revitalized, and can bring greater energy and focus to my sadhana.

    Sydney, Australia