Gratitude and Devotion

Teachings, Poems, and Prayers for Thanksgiving

A Day in the Temple

Thursday, November 26, 2020

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    After spending the whole day in the Temple, I realized that, for me, this time in the Temple was a metaphor for the reality that, wherever I am and wherever I go, the Sadguru is always with me, bestowing love, guidance, and grace.

    California, United States

    Gurumayi teaches us, “All times are God’s time.” Reading Gurumayi’s words this morning and reflecting on all that happened during the live video stream throughout Thanksgiving Day, I see how time can fold into one point of light. Gratitude is its agent—the agent of light—pulsing within all that was, is, and will be.
    My heart is very grateful.

    Massachusetts, United States

    After participating in "A Day in the Temple" and after reading the lines from Gurumayi’s poem, “As the Light Comes Streaming Down,” what arose from within me are these understandings: What is light is right. What is right is light. Light in the heart is light in the universe. My true and eternal home is in the sahasrara.
    The Guru’s blessings are countless. My gratitude is unbounded.

    Dombivli, India

    As I was listening to the words from the “Thanksgiving prayer of the Haudenosaunee people,” my head bowed in gratitude first to Shri Gurumayi ji, who has kept my heart afloat in peace and gratitude in this unpredictable pandemic time and then to Mother Nature. As I heard the words “We return thanks to the corn, and to her sisters, the beans and squashes, which give us life,” my whole being smiled, as I felt the connectedness in all living beings.

    Inwardly, I thanked Gurumayi for teaching us how to be grateful, for showing us the way to count our blessings, and for her love and compassion.

    a Gurukula student in Gurudev Siddha Peeth