An Invitation
in Honor of Gurupurnima 2020

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    I realize more and more my incredible good fortune to have Gurumayi in my life, in my heart. Her teachings transform my life beyond imagination.
    After participating in the “Be in the Temple” satsang on Gurupurnima, I continued the practice of meditating on the padukas in the sahasrara chakra. One morning while repeating the mantra Om Namah Shivaya in meditation, I felt as if that space in my subtle body opened and stretched endlessly between every syllable. I felt I could go deeper and deeper inward. The lotus pictured here reminds me how blessed I feel.

    Cherbourg, France

    Witnessing this exquisite image of the full moon at the end of the Gurupurnima invitation letter makes me feel calm and peaceful as the vibrant, cooling, white lightbeams emanating from the moon enter my entire being. They remind me of my Shri Guru’s grace—cooling, vibrant, and full—which is always uniting me with the source, the Self, and bestowing peacefulness upon me.

    Pune, India

    This beautiful image on the front of this invitation made me gasp. It reflected the sweetly fragranced, pale-pink lilies on my puja which have opened wide for this wondrous occasion. I feel they are a symbol of my openness to offering dakshina to Gurumayi in heartfelt gratitude for her abundant grace.
    Shubh Gurupurnima!

    Yeovil, United Kingdom