A Verse from
Shrimad Bhagavatam

Shrimad Bhagavatam 11.2.36

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    This share is about Shrimad Bhagavatam verse 11.2.36

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    This verse reminds me of an experience I had during my first visit to Shree Muktananda Ashram. One day, I was looking with astonishment at the most inexplicable scene I have ever seen. Somebody was sweeping an outside area while the wind was blowing. Dead leaves were flying above the sevite, who was sweeping imperturbably. I no longer saw sweeping but a graceful dance in the midst of beautiful waves of joy. I felt in my heart the freedom and timelessness of that instant, and I said to myself, “I understand what Siddha Yoga is!”
    When I perform actions with my heart, I enter into a space of unity and a simple task becomes a work of art. Waves of joy fill my body and I step onto the divine stage for the universal dance. This is my gift of love, my arpana, to the supreme Lord.

    Rodez, France

    Reading this verse gave me the answer I was looking for this morning when I was contemplating how to deal with a challenging co-worker! When I realized that my true nature consists of love, compassion, and bliss, I committed myself to make an offering to the Lord by treating that co-worker in a way that reflects my true inner nature.

    Montreal, Canada