A Verse from
Shri Bhagavad Gita

Bhagavad Gita 9.27

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    This verse from Shri Bhagavad Gita teaches me to make my life a constant offering to the Lord. Since the breath is the foundation of my life, I am making an effort to stay aware of So’ham as I interact with people. This practice is supporting me in staying open to the natural flow of giving and receiving. I am also making an effort to remember that my environment is a field of Consciousness, the Lord’s creation, and that I am a link in this divine chain.

    Rodez, France

    After reading this verse, I closed my eyes and I felt a sense of perfection. This short verse perfectly describes the meaning of sadhana for me: to live fully and offer my life to God.
    Thank you, Gurumayi, for the experience of perfection you give me every day.

    Rome, Italy

    As I read this verse soon after breakfast, I was awakened to just how often I eat out of either a sense of habit or necessity. Yet to take the time to offer what I eat to the Guru is such a great practice. Doing this provides an opportunity to be reminded each time I eat that everything I receive is a gift from the Guru. I have also found that this practice makes the experience of eating my food so much more enjoyable!

    Birmingham, United Kingdom