A Teaching from Baba Muktananda’s Book Mukteshwari

Quote from Mukteshwari
    • Swami Muktananda, Mukteshwari, 2nd ed. (South Fallsburg, NY: SYDA Foundation, 1995) p. 89.
    • The book Mukteshwari is available from the Siddha Yoga Bookstore.

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    This share is about A Teaching by Baba Muktananda from Mukteshwari, verse 287

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    Reading Baba’s words, "Thoughts of bhakti make a bhakta," immediately awakened in me a deep longing to merge with the Beloved. So these simple words gave me an experience of the power of the mind and its ability to create its own state in an instant.
    I pray that I may always be blessed to focus the mind on merging with the one source of all.  

    California, United States

    Baba’s aphorism invites me to keep a vigilant mind and to create benevolent and joyful thoughts. In order to do this, I make the effort to connect my mind to its divine source with the help of the mantra So’ham. With a vibrant heart and a clear mind, I intend to cultivate virtues that will manifest love in my surroundings.

    Rodez, France

    I took Baba’s words, “Thoughts of bhakti make a bhakta,” into my meditation. The word bhakti opened me to a new subtle awareness. I became lighter and a deep sweet energy of love filled me.

    I know that this is who I am. This experience—which is only a thought away—is where Shri Guru resides, and it is the continuous gift she bestows on me.

    Hampton Australia

    Baba’s words remind me that I determine my own reality by choosing where I focus my mind.

    California, United States

    This teaching came alive for me as soon as I laid my eyes on Baba’s auspicious words.
    As my mind assimilated the energy of these letters, I felt an immediate expansion and connection to the infinite light that lies within my mind and heart. I felt that indeed “heaven stands” in my own thoughts, my own mind.  
    Thank you, Baba, for your timeless teachings. Thank you for letting my mind be brought back to my highest Truth by the grace of your words. You never cease to illumine the wonderful simplicity of the Truth.

    Amsterdam, Netherlands

    For me, this is the most loving, the sweetest and clearest teaching from Baba. I simply feel happy reading it, as if it were made especially for me, and it will remain in my mind forever.
    Thank you, Baba, for your love and care.
    Thank you, Gurumayi, for giving me this wonderful surprise this evening on the Siddha Yoga path website.

    Yautepec, Mexico

    Reading Baba’s aphorism from Mukteshwari, I felt myself expand with gratitude.
    I never met Baba in person, but by following his teachings I have experienced the Guru’s constant presence in my heart and mind, and I have learned to contemplate and purify my thoughts.

    Oregon, United States

    I woke up in the middle of the night remembering an upsetting situation I had with another person during the day. Unable to go back to sleep, I opened the Siddha Yoga path website and read Baba’s aphorism from his book, Mukteshwari.
    I was immediately reminded that my upset was a result of my thoughts, and that just as easily I could turn those thoughts around. I realized how fortunate I am to have this person in my life. Feelings of gratitude welled up inside of me and the negative feelings dissipated.
    I am grateful for these teachings that come to me through the website.

    Missouri, United States