Happy New Year Song
Sung in A Sweet Surprise® 2018 Live Stream


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    I feel so grateful when I read these lyrics! They touch my heart, making it sing with joy. To me, they convey inspiring truths that connect us all.

    Florida, USA

    I felt so much joy in my heart on New Year’s Day being in the Universal Hall with Gurumayi and seekers from all over the world. The Happy New Year song reminded me that I can access this joy anytime; I just have to pause, breathe, go within, and center myself in the heart. This is an inner state I can consistently draw upon to interact with the world, within and without. For this, I am eternally grateful.

    Colorado, USA

    I feel this song as pure delight! I especially love these words: So let’s begin and look within, God’s pure light lifts us up.  I am so grateful to have the grace and knowledge to be able to "look within" and to be lit up often by "God’s pure light."
    I also love these words: To everyone be kind, Let’s give and take support…  I find that simply being kind in daily life—to people I know and people I don’t know—supports them and myself. And people are often kind to me!  
    Thank you for this adorable song with which to begin the New Year.

    North Carolina, USA

    Sitting in the light of Gurumayi’s darshan, my face and heart smiling, I was filled with delight while listening to the New Year’s song unfold. Each verse brought me an experience of love, remembrance, and connection.

    New Mexico, USA

    I’m so grateful for this joyous song that honors our beloved Guru and the Siddha Yoga teachings as light in this world—and sings of unity in different languages! When I heard it, I could feel all the singers’ voices travelling across the oceans to Australia, where we listened and rejoiced!

    South Yarra, Australia

    Participating in A Sweet Surprise Satsang reminded me that I want to connect to the love, peace, and happiness in my heart and, as this song suggests, share my goodness with everyone and everything around me.

    Lucknow, India

    During A Sweet Surprise Satsang when I was listening to this song in the Universal Hall, tears of happiness flowed. As I closed my eyes, I saw Gurumayi ji in my inner vision smiling at me.
    For me, this song was such an inspiring way to pray together for unity and peace. I wished I could sing this beautiful song every day.
    I am very grateful that the lyrics are available on the Siddha Yoga path website so I can continue to pray with these words. As I focus on the words with an open heart, I enjoy God’s glory within myself.

    Ghoti, India

    I was delighted to receive this wonderful New Year’s gift today. One sentence that shone especially brightly for me was “We’re here to bless this universe/In every loving way.” I plan to recite or sing these inspiring words every morning before I get out of bed to bring my higher purpose into focus as I start my day.

    Illinois, USA