Gurumayi’s Message sets the course for Siddha Yogis and new seekers in their spiritual practices throughout the year and throughout their lives. One of the ways many people around the globe study Gurumayi’s Message is through creative expression. For the past few years, the Siddha Yoga path website has invited these individuals to share their creative expressions.

Here’s how this invitation came about: In early 2016, Gurumayi asked the sevites for the Siddha Yoga path website, “What do you think about posting the artwork of the people who study the Message in creative ways? Won’t it inspire others and give them deep satisfaction to see the Message through another point of view?” The sevites wholeheartedly agreed. They eagerly got the word out, and very soon, people from all over the world were sending their creative works to the website—paintings, drawings, photography, and all manner of art.

This year, many people have shared that since receiving Gurumayi’s Message in A Sweet Surprise Satsang 2018, poetry has been springing forth spontaneously from within them. The Message is shining new light, giving new perspective on the timeless Siddha Yoga teachings, and that insight is arising in verse form. The sevites for the Siddha Yoga path website are therefore thrilled to make another genre of creative expression—poetry—available on these pages.

Please enjoy viewing and reading these creative expressions inspired by Gurumayi’s Message for 2018.


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    Please share your experience in 175 words or less. Enter your share in the space below.

    As I was reading the poems, I felt such a beautiful, awesome feeling of unity with the global Siddha Yoga sangham. These poems are pure love.

    It felt to me as if the earth has become our Maharashtra, and as if new poet- saints have been emerging from the heart through the Guru´s grace.

    This is satsang, indeed!

    Madrid, Spain

    As I viewed these artistic expressions this morning, I saw that they convey each artist’s experience of satsang so uniquely and personally. It felt like I was taking a walk around the world, seeing through many eyes—very heartwarming and connecting.

    What a happy way to start this new day on beautiful planet Earth, under the sun.

    New York, USA

    The poem, “Seeking the Company of Silence,” moved me to tears. I appreciate its honesty, beauty, purity, and simplicity. It gives me hope, and rekindles my sadhana with new inspiration. 

    Glastonbury, United Kingdom

    When I read the poems of the Siddha Yogis and study the paintings and photographs posted here, I feel these artists connect me with the inspiration I receive from the poet-saints.

    Thun, Switzerland

    I experience the brilliant heart of each poet beating within these poems inspired by Gurumayi’s Message. To me, they feel so vibrant, so real, so specific, so full of wisdom. The poems don’t tell me what satsang is in a didactic way, and yet I understand—I experience—satsang through reading them.

    Ganesphuri, India

    I am truly grateful for these gorgeous, nuanced responses to Gurumayi’s Message—each filled with love and insight! They bring me joy and wonder, and for me, they are a both a source and a form of satsang in themselves.

    Murrumbeena, Australia

    As I absorbed these beautiful creative expressions, I found myself feeling that all these works come from Gurumayi’s own Heart. As I reflect on the ways Gurumayi’s love fills my own life, it seems natural to me that our works of every kind will reflect her love.

    Massachusetts, USA

    It is so powerful to receive Gurumayi’s Message again and again through these images.  I feel that I am having satsang with the artists.

    New York USA

    I am amazed at the bountiful ways in which Gurumayi is encouraging us to practice her Message for 2018. While viewing the different galleries, I felt embraced by the creative power of photography, poetry, art, and images of nature. What a wonderful way to explore the height, width and depth of the Message through different perspectives!

    Lately, I have started experimenting and playing with creative activities I did not dare venture before. Thus, I was surprised to find myself losing track of time while reveling in the delight of notes struck together on my son’s guitar or shaping and re-shaping colorful dot-paintings on flat rocks.  I now understand that these activities go beyond entertainment and self-expression. For me, they all disclose and open up the connection with my inner Self and the world around me in a unique creative way. It feels so peaceful to be in my own good company while engaged in a creative project!

    Thank you, Gurumayi, for the myriad innovative ways with which you reveal and teach the Truth.

    Punta del Este, Uruguay