Siddha Yoga Ashram Dogs
A Video in Celebration of Chinese New Year 2018

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    I am so grateful and happy to see the images of the Ashram dogs. The photos remind me of a loving interaction our dog had with Gurumayi when she visited Australia. I always felt our dog was extraordinary—made so by Gurumayi’s touch.

    Abercrombie, Australia

    The night before this video appeared on the website, I had a dream filled with memories of my dog. When I awoke, I felt absolutely peaceful. I also realized that I want to have a dog again as a friend in my life. They are such great creatures and give me so much love and joy and make me laugh.

    When I discovered this video on the website, I felt absolutely delighted and connected with Baba and Gurumayi. It touched me so much that they give their love and care to these special beings.

    Radolfzell, Germany

    My four-and-a-half-year-old son loves dogs and has been asking me for a puppy. When I saw this video, my heart leaped with joy. I felt it was a gift directly from the Guru for my son in the form of this beautiful compilation of heart-rending pictures of Ashram dogs! We have seen this together a couple of times, and each time there is a soft, warm, loving, tender feeling that engulfs our hearts as we immerse ourselves in the beautiful pictures and the sound of the chant.
    Thank you, Gurumayi, for your gift.

    Mumbai, India

    What a wonderful idea to create this slide show with the Ashram dogs to remember and honor Chinese New Year under the sign of the Dog. So many Ashram dogs, and all of them are looking so focused and concentrated. Dogs are such wonderful beings and true companions. I feel as if I were requested to do the same, to be focused and go into the world with unconditional love.

    Bienenbüttel, Germany

    This video is the sweetest thing! It made me laugh and cry, and now my entire body is basking in the glow of my own heart’s smile. The playfulness of the dogs has inspired me, and now I feel as if I am radiating that playfulness into the world around me.

    Washington, USA

    I was so moved to see these beautiful photos! Once, when I was sitting in the hall during darshan with Baba Muktananda, I saw Rani, the dog, running up and down the darshan line. Somehow I felt that this little dog was conveying Baba’s love. At that very moment Rani turned around, came straight to me, and stood with his front paws on my shoulders, licking my face! I certainly felt the Guru’s love.

    Cuernavaca, Mexico

    Seeing the pictures of the Ashram dogs makes me even more grateful for God’s tender and loving heart. It seems to me that God created dogs to bring joy and love and play to our lives.
    I love these photos! Thank you, Gurumayi.

    Thun, Switzerland

    What a beautiful slideshow of the amazing Ashram dogs in celebration of the Year of the Dog! I remember many of them, and love seeing the grace, beauty, and soulful presence in each one.
    The slideshow reminds me how grateful I am for our two perfect companions and for what they teach me every day—constancy, playfulness, and unconditional love.
    Thank you, Gurumayi, for this sweet and generous gift of love.

    California, USA

    The mutual love and delight in the connections Gurumayi and Baba have enjoyed with the dogs who have accompanied them in their lives is palpable to me. As I thought about this, it occurred to me that the Heart spins a sacred thread that unites all things in creation.
    I look at my dog while writing, and beneath the furry coat of my four-legged friend, I perceive love, protection, and loyalty. We are indeed woven together by the Heart.
    What a wonderful way to celebrate the Chinese New Year—by honoring the power of such unconditional love!

    Buenos Aires, Argentina