Meditation on the Hamsa Mantra
A Dharana from the Vijnanabhairava

translations available
Movement of the Breath - A Dharana from the Vijnanabhairava

Vijñānabhairava 155b; English rendering by Swami Kripananda ©2017 SYDA Foundation®.

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    The image above the dharana is so powerful! As I looked at it, my mind was stilled, and I felt drawn into a deep, silent state from where I could observe the busyness of my mind.
    I will continue diving into this soothing state.

    Hokianga, New Zealand

    My mind delights in the clarity and simplicity of this practice—a homecoming to a hidden inner treasure. The Hamsa mantra is both an invitation and a key, enabling me to visit it often and to rest in “perfect stillness” with great gratitude. 

    St. Lazare, Canada

    As I closed my eyes, listening to the silent in-breath and out-breath, I was gently and naturally drawn into a deeper and deeper state of meditation. Here everything was transformed into utter calm and stillness.
    Thank you, Shri Gurumayi, for such precious gifts for the soul.

    St. Laurent, Canada

    After reading the dharana, I began repeating the Hamsa mantra. With every inbreath, I focused on listening to the sound vibration of ham and with every outbreath, sa.
    Initially, the sounds ham and sa were separate. Gradually I began to experience the Hamsa mantra in a continuous cycle, without beginning or end. As the mantra took me deeper in meditation, my awareness of both my breath and the mantra disappeared. My mind had become still.
    Thank you, Gurumayi, for the guidance of this dharana and the experience of the beauty and power of the Hamsa mantra.

    Lucknow, India