Assimilating Gurumayi’s Message for 2016

A Series of Exercises Based on the Four Wheels of the Shaktipat Intensive

Assimilation through Meditation

As a practice, dhyāna, or meditation, requires that we focus our attention on the goal of meditation. The goal of Siddha Yoga meditation is our own Self. As we maintain our attention on the Self in meditation—releasing attachment from every thought, image, and activity of our mind—the mind gradually merges into the Self.

In her Message for 2016, Gurumayi teaches us to make steady effort to become established in Supreme Joy, which is the very nature of the Self. Meditation is therefore a key means to assimilate Gurumayi’s Message. Through meditation on Gurumayi’s Message, we recognize the Truth of her teaching—that the highest bliss is, and always has been, our innate nature. We become anchored in Supreme Joy, as Gurumayi teaches.

In this exercise we will assimilate Gurumayi’s Message through meditation. We will be meditating for around five minutes.

Click play to practice assimilation through meditation.

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    As I participated in this exercise, I became aware of myself as the mover, and as one with that towards which I was moving. A gentle, spacious, stillness arose in me.
    Thank you, Gurumayi, for this beautiful experience.

    London, United Kingdom

    As I followed Swami ji’s instructions, my awareness was drawn to visualizing the river which flows in front of my home. I felt as though my body was moving in the same direction as the river. I then focused on my breath, and my total being was swimming in bliss, peace, and ease.
    Thank you, Gurumayi, for your grace.

    Florida, USA

    After repeating Gurumayi’s Message once, I saw a beautiful blue light and above it a very bright white light. After a second repetition, I became aware of my breath arising and subsiding. As I focused on the space between the breaths, I felt a sensation of coolness in my body and I became very still.

    Sydney, Australia

    I followed Swami Anantananda’s instructions and repeated Gurumayi’s Message. The first time I did this, my posture was not very steady. I wrote down my experience and played the recording two more times.
    The second time, I imagined the anchor holding me steady, and I did remain steady in my posture. The third time, I felt energy moving to the space between my eyebrows. I kept my focus there, and although there were thoughts, I was witnessing them.
    This is a beautiful way of assimilating Gurumayi’s Message. 

    Richmond, Canada

    In meditation, as I was repeating Gurumayi’s Message, images and thoughts were passing through my mind. I remembered to witness them,  and focused again on the Message.
    As I repeated each word with focus, I had the realization that Gurumayi’s Message was my deepest yearning! I really wanted to become established in joy, and I wanted to make the effort to enable this to happen. Then Gurumayi’s Message and the sense of my own self merged. I identified with the Message, and silence appeared, peace emerged, and contentment pervaded my body, mind, and soul.
    Thank you, Gurumayi, for the Siddha Yoga Message for 2016! Thank you for your guidance. 

    Madrid, Spain