Delighting in Our Divine Essence

August 1, 2016

Dear all,

Our journey through the year 2016 has brought us to the sweet month of August, when in parts of the northern hemisphere, Nature reaches her fullest expression of summer. The days are filled with light; grains and produce are ripening in the fields.

This month, the focus of our study and practice will be the word joy in Gurumayi’s Message for 2016.

Gurumayi’s Message is

Move with steadfastness
toward becoming
in Supreme Joy

Joy. One of the greatest gifts of spiritual life is learning that joy is our divine essence. Joy is what is at the heart of our being; it is the nature of our own Self. And since joy is inherent in us, it is available in each moment, regardless of whether external circumstances happen to be favorable or challenging.

How can we tap this wellspring of joy within? Gurumayi has given us countless ways. We can study and practice a teaching from Gurumayi, we can repeat the mantra, we can listen to the subtle movement of our breath. We can look to Nature and welcome all her displays: the wind, the sun, the rain, the thunder, the dark clouds, and the brilliant light of midday. Everything! We can also set an intention to experience joy in each moment.

Here’s how I set this intention: every morning, I sit at the breakfast table with my cup of coffee, open my journal, and write my life’s purpose statement: “I am here to experience the deepest joy.” Next I write ten things I am grateful for, a practice inspired by Gurumayi’s talk entitled “Gratitude” in her book Enthusiasm. Some days I am particularly grateful for my health and well-being, other days for the abundance of nature around me, or the food on my table. And every day I am grateful for the Siddha Yoga path.

When I write this list, I re-experience the joy that these aspects of my life bring forth in me—and I also feel a broader, deeper sense of joy and gratitude in simply being alive. In remembering the gifts I have been given and the joy that permeates my life in ways big and small, I open myself to approaching whatever the day may hold with a sense of wonder, inquisitiveness, and delight. And I’ve found that by doing this exercise over time, I don’t have to strive very hard to see the world as an expression of the divine—my heart simply recognizes the divinity in all I encounter.

Another way I increase my ability to access the joy of the Self is by remembering the great beings who are an embodiment of that joy. I practice remembrance of Gurumayi—I contemplate Gurumayi’s grace, her teachings, and her presence—and I remember Baba Muktananda and Bhagavan Nityananda.

During August, we have two significant opportunities to honor the Siddha Yoga Gurus and reflect on the joy they continue to bring to this world.

On August 8, we will honor Bhagavan Nityananda?s Solar Punyatithi. It was on this day fifty-five years ago, in 1961, that Bade Baba left his physical body to merge with Consciousness. When we commemorate Bade Baba’s Punyatithi, we recognize Bade Baba’s grace, which inspires us, protects us, uplifts us. We study Bade Baba’s teachings, which so beautifully distill the knowledge of the Truth. We acknowledge the ways we experience Bade Baba’s loving, compassionate, and reassuring presence in our lives. And this year especially, we can reflect on how Bade Baba truly personifies nityananda—eternal bliss.

On August 15, we will honor Baba’s Divya Diksha, the day in 1947 when Baba received shaktipat diksha, divine initiation, from Bhagavan Nityananda. What a cause for celebration! This most significant day is one on which we can all remember and express our profound gratitude for the gift of shaktipat. Bade Baba’s initiation of Baba Muktananda leads in a direct line to our own initiation; it opened the door for all of us to experience Self-born joy.

And the festival of delight continues with Raksha Bandhan on August 17. This is the day on which we honor the bond of love and protection between Guru and disciple, as well as the bond between seekers on the spiritual path. We tie rakhis, bracelets made of thread, around each other’s wrists as a representation of this bond.

The month of August gives us ways to learn about joy, to cultivate joy, and to sustain and build on our experience of joy. We can learn from the great beings—how they lived their lives as shining expressions of happiness. And each of us can, in turn, decide how we might wish to draw inspiration from these great beings as we study and practice Gurumayi’s Message for 2016.

There is so much to discover about the bliss of the Self; there are unending facets to this joy. So, explore for yourself what flavor, what taste of joy is coming forth from within you at this moment. Is it delight? Contentment? Exuberance? Discover how, when you open yourself to the joy in your heart and you express this joy, it multiplies. Joy gives rise to more joy—for you, for your family, for your friends and co-workers, and for the entire world.

Warm regards,

Vasudha Sinclair
Siddha Yoga Student

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    Please share your experience in 175 words or less. Enter your share in the space below.

    Thanks to all the myriad and wonderful ways of practicing Gurumayi’s Message we have been given this year, I have gradually been realizing that it is possible for me to experience joy all the time! It’s a matter of my choice, focus, and determination. 

    Now I check in with myself frequently during the day and ask: "Am I experiencing joy right now? If not, what can I do to change my experience?" Or "Are my actions, words, thoughts creating joy, and making my heart light?" 

    This practice has made me aware that at any moment, I can let go of a train of thought that isn’t leading to joy and I can repeat the mantra instead. Or I can stop what I am doing and chant, or do something kind for someone, or determine to see God in that person. In this way I am deepening my awareness of my inherent joy.

    Heckmondwike, United Kingdom

    Joy! What a feeling! I can experience joy in small things, in nature, and in interactions with others. Looking at the sky fills me with joy. I experience joy and expansiveness when I move in open spaces. Looking at a beautiful picture, I experience joy. When I talk with someone in a straightforward way, I experience joy.
    It is beautiful to engage with joy as a sadhana tool. Gurumayi draws my attention to natural and simple things and in this way elevates my consciousness effortlessly.
    Jai Gurumayi! Hail to joy!

    Hyderabad, India

    Joy—what a beautiful word! By Gurumayi’s grace I now understand that joy is everywhere. It is that feeling in my heart that brings a big smile to my face. It is in all of the small gifts bestowed by nature or by loved ones.

    I recently had a wonderful experience of connecting with a small child; afterward, my heart was brimming with joy and I felt the presence of Gurumayi in my heart. I closed my eyes and offered my Guru silent pranam.

    Lucknow, India

    The writer’s practice of declaring ten things she is grateful for every day resonated with me immediately as a practice that I can also benefit from. I feel that just as the regular practice of offering dakshina has removed the mistaken perception of a lack of abundance in my life, so too can the daily acknowledgement of ten joyful things remove the misperception of a lack of joy in my life.

    I have just begun but I am already experiencing the fruit of this practice!

    New Mexico, USA

    This beautiful, bright morning, I was happily walking to a meeting. As I approached the street, I was amazed to see a line of about fifteen cars waiting patiently behind a van. As I walked closer, I saw that the van driver was chasing and trying to rescue a little red bird who seemed unable to cross the road. After many attempts, the man finally had the bird in his hand! He got into his van and then with a big smile, he and everyone drove on their way.

    Watching all of this, I was filled with the sweetest calm and delight. All thoughts had left my mind. I was experiencing pure joy and realized it is available to me all the time, even in the most mundane events in life.

    Thank you, Gurumayi, for your Message and for awakening us to the joy available within us all the time.

    California, USA

    This morning, to begin my meditation practice, I repeated Om Guru Om, sending the mantra out in all directions. Then I repeated Om Guru Om as I focused on each part of my body and each of my chakras. As I meditated, I started feeling such a sense of well-being within myself and outside of myself. Then a voice within me said “Be calm,” and then the question “What is the greatest joy?” arose.

    From my heart the answer came, “The greatest joy is to know that Gurumayi is there.” I understood there to mean wherever I focus my sight, wherever I focus my awareness.

    And while I composed this share, this teaching of Bade Baba’s came to my mind: “Be calm. I am everywhere.”

    Thank you, Gurumayi, for your presence all around me, within me—everywhere.

    Naucalpan, Mexico

    Earlier this year, I made a resolution to cultivate gratitude. This morning after meditation, as I read the August letter, I was inspired by the writer’s insights and her ways of cultivating joy. I wrote in my journal my intention for my life and sadhana: to recognize God in everyone and everything. Then I wrote down some things for which I am grateful. My heart swelled with gratitude!

    Thank you, Gurumayi, for your continuing guidance.

    Massachusetts, USA

    This morning I went outside and took a moment to experience the joy in nature. The squirrels were harvesting walnuts and jumping from tree to tree, seemingly delighted with the trees’ bounty. A huge smile spread across my face as I observed their delight. I noticed the intricacies of their bodies, their small feet, eyes, and ears. The opportunity to experience joy is all around me. This month’s letter reminded me to take the time to notice it.

    Missouri, USA

    Last night I had a beautiful dream that embodied for me "the ways we experience Bade Baba’s loving, compassionate, and reassuring presence in our lives." In my dream, somebody was bringing a huge murti of Bade Baba into my house, and I felt so elated and blissful! I saw myself resting at Bade Baba’s feet, basking in the delightful feeling of having finally come home! 

    Beloved Nityananda, may I always rest in your heart. Thank you for honoring my home and being here with me.

    Trieste, Italy

    I love the letters we receive on the first day of every month. They bring me joy. They inspire me and keep me centered. They always refresh my understanding of Gurumayi’s teachings, and give me ideas of how to go deeper in my practice.

    I find it beautiful to be supported by these contributions of other Siddha Yoga students. This also brings me joy.

    Barcelona, Spain

    One of the things I love about the letters posted each month on the Siddha Yoga path website is that they give me the opportunity to align myself with the practices and celebrations that are happening at Siddha Yoga Ashrams and centers around the world.
    As I read about Bhagavan Nityananda’s Solar Punyatithi coming up on August 8, I remembered one of my favorite photographs of Bade Baba. I immediately got up and retrieved the photo, put it next to my computer, and then reread the letter. Contemplating Bade Baba, feeling his loving and reassuring presence through the photograph, I could touch the joy that resides inside me at all times, no matter the external circumstances. 

    Massachusetts, USA

    What a beautiful way to transmit Gurumayi’s teachings about joy! This letter made me joyous. It made me feel the real joy in the writer, and also reflect on how all of us have grown, as a community of students and disciples, into beings in whom wisdom is increasing every day. I am so grateful to always be guided by Gurumayi’s divine hand.

    Cuernavaca, Mexico