Deepavali Rangoli 2022

In Honor of Deepavali, the Festival of Lights

Deepavali rangoli

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    When I first saw this exquisite rangoli, the word “perfection” immediately came to mind. Everything about it is so profoundly pleasing. The radiant pearls, the glowing flames in the diyas, the lovable blue pearls, the sparkling light, the colors, the textures, and shapes—all so gorgeously symmetrical. And at the center of this impeccable beauty are the Guru’s perfect feet. So much grace emanating from the Siddha Guru!

    New York, United States

    The beautiful footprints in this rangoli appear to be dancing. They remind me of verse 55 in Shri Guru Gita, which states that “even a few particles of dust from whose [the Lord Guru’s] feet form a bridge across the ocean of the world.”

    Additionally, I see countless stars, evoking the celestial realm, and gatherings of the Blue Pearl that seem to represent to me all the beautiful human beings around the globe. What a lovely vision for the New Year!

    Oregon, United States

    I’ve been yearning to see my Guru’s feet for weeks. Each day, after chanting Shri Guru Gita, I feel as though my heart has been whispering, “Surrender to your Guru’s feet.” I listened, and here I am gazing at this rangoli in awe, rejoicing in the Guru’s feet.

    Cuernavaca, Mexico

    Every time I gaze at the Guru’s feet in this rangoli, my mind immediately becomes still, and I feel one with my Guru. My heart region pulsates with a sweet bliss, my eyes close, and peace fills my being. I love meditating on the Guru’s feet and receiving the grace that this bestows.

    Massachusetts, United States

    As I keep admiring this rangoli, which seems to be shimmering with shakti, I perceive Shiva’s manifestation.

    The padukas, with their central, dynamic position, bring to my mind the dance of Shiva and Shakti. They seem to be spreading red waves of shakti and golden light throughout the infinite universe, which is imbued with blue Consciousness.

    The green edges of the diyas evoke nature for me, nature whose beauty embodies God’s presence. Gazing at the golden beads leads me into an experience of continuous mantra repetition in the heart.

    Rodez, France

    I am grateful for this beautiful embodiment of the blessings of Deepavali. So playful, so full of grace, so evocative of delight. I love the peacock-feather eyes on Shri Guru’s feet that seem to express the blissful play of Consciousness!

    May the hearts of all be blessed with the light and love of Deepavali.

    Sydney, Australia

    The feet within the center of the rangoli caught my attention. They seemed to express to me that the Guru is everywhere and her light is everywhere.

    Essex, United Kingdom

    The Guru’s feet are our foundation
    The lamps light our way
    The Blue Pearl glistens over our earth and the universe
    It guides us to the inner core of our being
    Blessings abound from the Guru
    How blessed are we

    New Mexico, United States

    I am grateful for the beautiful rangoli in celebration of the Deepavali festival. The lamps and the vibrant colors surrounding the Lord’s feet are exquisite representations of auspiciousness and remind me to recognize God’s presence all around.

    New York, United States

    For me this rangoli is a perfect invitation to enter into the new year with joy and divine protection. I feel that the light of the Deepavali diyas all around the world and within each one’s heart illuminates a Happy New Year!

    Belo Horizonte , Brazil

    I see the earth in the footprints, the blue around it calls to mind water, the candles bring fire, and the blue and gold stars remind me of the firmament. I see all the elements contained in this rangoli and am reminded of the awesome breadth of divinity!

    New York, United States

    The Deepavali rangoli radiates the inner light outward. When I first saw the footprints, I thought they were my footprints. Then I realized they are the Guru’s feet. I closed my eyes and the words “The Guru is always with me” echoed in my mind. A harmony of peacefulness and joy flooded my heart. I opened my eyes. The world outside was filled with the golden leaves of autumn falling in the morning sun. The Deepavali rangoli and the pristine light were one. Even now, as I look again at the beauty of nature, the memory of the rangoli arises in my mind’s eye.

    Vermont, United States